
Jean Hanson
B: 1933-08-09
D: 2025-03-02
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Hanson, Jean
Ronald McConnell
B: 1938-09-22
D: 2025-02-27
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McConnell, Ronald
Shirley Meltsner
B: 1950-07-06
D: 2025-02-20
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Meltsner, Shirley
Gordon Dengler
B: 1950-07-26
D: 2025-02-20
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Dengler, Gordon
Viola Olson
B: 1924-09-17
D: 2025-02-15
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Olson, Viola
Theresa Dornian
B: 1933-01-26
D: 2025-02-05
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Dornian, Theresa
Sharon Gibson
B: 1955-11-11
D: 2025-02-05
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Gibson, Sharon
Germaine Gross
B: 1931-09-03
D: 2025-02-04
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Gross, Germaine
Peter Sundquist
B: 1935-08-19
D: 2025-01-31
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Sundquist, Peter
Darci Martin
B: 1971-10-20
D: 2025-01-29
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Martin, Darci
Roseline Emisch
B: 1956-12-14
D: 2025-01-28
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Emisch, Roseline
Darren Holmes
B: 1967-03-15
D: 2025-01-21
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Holmes, Darren
Fae Derkach
B: 1941-05-11
D: 2025-01-19
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Derkach, Fae
Donald Bowman
B: 1932-10-15
D: 2025-01-16
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Bowman, Donald
Lois McDade
B: 1931-12-22
D: 2025-01-16
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McDade, Lois
Jacob Pankratz
B: 1943-01-22
D: 2025-01-14
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Pankratz, Jacob
Deborah Farago
B: 1951-09-13
D: 2025-01-04
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Farago, Deborah
Albert Kreutzer
B: 1942-02-28
D: 2025-01-03
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Kreutzer, Albert
Ronald Quennell
B: 1956-04-22
D: 2024-12-05
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Quennell, Ronald
Sharon Carlson
B: 1942-01-04
D: 2024-12-03
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Carlson, Sharon
Joni Ingram
B: 1962-04-18
D: 2024-12-02
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Ingram, Joni


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Box 507
Watrous, SK S0K 4T0
Phone: (306) 946-3334
Fax: (306) 946-3436

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If you have immediate need of our services, we're available for you 24 hours a day.

Obituaries & Tributes

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.


A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time.
Funeral Etiquette

& Tributes

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Your Funeral



Funeral Etiquette

Are you uncertain about what to do at a funeral? Have you wondered what options are available if you can’t attend a funeral? This section teaches you everything you need to know to help you do the right thing before, during and after the service.

What to Do

Offer Words of Condolence

Offering comforting words to the family is usually the easiest thing you can do. It's also something the family will appreciate and remember. If you're attending the service, offer your condolences in person or share a story or special memory about the deceased. If you can't be there, send a card or share your message using the Book of Memories online memorial tribute page.

Sign the register during the visitation

When you sign the register at the funeral home, be sure to list your name and your relationship to the deceased. The register is something the family will have forever, and they will appreciate knowing who you are and how you knew their loved one in years to come.

Send a gift to the family

Appropriate gifts include flowers, a donation to a charity (oftentimes the family will have a preferred charity), food or a service. You can send your gift to the family's home or the funeral home. Please ensure you include a signed card with your gift so the family knows who sent it.

Stay in touch with the family

Depending on your relationship with the family, you may choose to stay in touch in person, by telephone or online. The grieving process can be long and difficult. You will serve the family well by letting them know you're there for them.

What to Wear

Historically, people wore black to a funeral. Today it's acceptable to dress in a wider range of colours and clothing styles.  A good rule of thumb is to dress as you would at church or a job interview.

Have other questions about funeral etiquette? Visit our FAQ page or contact us.

Immediate Need

If you have immediate need of our services, we're available for you 24 hours a day.

Obituaries & Tributes

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.


A gift to your family, sparing them hard decisions at an emotional time.

Order Flowers

Offer a gift of comfort and beauty to a family suffering from loss.

Daily Grief Support by Email

Grieving doesn't always end with the funeral: subscribe to our daily grief support email, designed to help you a little bit every day, by filling out the form below.

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70 Pine Street | Kingston, ON K7G1C5 | Fax: | Email:

365 Days of Healing

Grieving doesn't always end with the funeral: subscribe to our free daily grief support email program, designed to help you a little bit every day, by filling out the form below.